Just a picture of page 3. I forgott to take picture when I made the page....
I draw the hat and the bunnyears by myself. Not so pleased whit them but it's ok.
Page 4 is under construction...
Page 5 is just a page whit gesso on..
I come back to that later beacuse I got an idea today so I started page 6. I didn't whant gesso on the background to that page.
After that I coulor the page whit watercolours..
You can see the patterns I made beacus the watercolour don't stuck on the patterns made by the candles.
The I used a pen from Faber Castell.
Now I sealed the page whit matte gel so I could continue whitout worry to distroyed the background...
After that I painted the edges whit gesso, I wanted to framme the edges..
After that I stamped the quote on a watercolourpaper and cut it. Them I use distress ink to colour it.